This marks two years since the Patton Pool Website began. Thanks again
for your support and encouragement. It has really been enjoyable to me
personally opening up some of those great old memories and reestablishing
some friendships with the aid of the various memoribilia you have so generously
supplied. It looks like we're up to about 497 files, including the images
and text.
The goal for the coming year is once again to keep it going and growing.
You can help by continuing to contribute material to be added and helping
to locate people. There are probably some of you that have some photos,
etc., that you would like to add but have been reluctant to trust them
to the U.S. Postal Service. You might want to consider scanning some of
your photos and emailing them to me. The price of scanners has really fallen
in the last few years and they have become a really affordable addition
to a computer system. In fact, I saw one advertised for $9.95 after rebate!
Let me know if you need a few tips on scanning photos for the Internet.
Have you enjoyed clicking on the names of the swimmers and reading
about what happened to them or seeing a photo of what they look like now?
Well, guess what, we would enjoy reading about and seeing YOU! If you haven't
filled out the registration form or haven't completed all the items, please
take a little time and send it in.
Is your email still up-to-date on the website?
The website is also about what is going on now. Additional items besides
the old swimming stuff you may want to send could be an article about you
in a company newsletter, something interesting you or a family member did,
a poem, song, story you wrote, or whatever.
Hope you all have checked out some of the Y2K links that have been
included on the website and that you have come to realize the seriousness
of this problem. I have been reading about it for about seven months and
it is really nothing to laugh about, although keeping a sense of humor
will keep you from freaking out. If you haven't made the connection of
how massive, worldwide computer and embedded system failures may translate
into you and your family not having food to eat, water to drink, or fuel
to keep warm, then you probably haven't looked into the Y2K problem very
far. Although no one knows what is going to happen, the consequences for
being underprepared are much more severe than for being overprepared. If
you are relying on the "read my lips, no new taxes," "I
did not have sex with that woman," "we didn't know nicotine was
addictive" types for your Y2K information, you are probably not aware
of how serious the problem is. There is plenty of information on the Internet
about it. Dig around for it and prepare so that when when Y2K rolls around,
you will have more to eat than business and government apologies .