Professional Publications

Stephen J. Waszak, M.D.


Steve Waszak, MD

Title: The Historic Significance of Circumcision

Publication: Obstetrics and Gynecology 51(4):499-501, April, 1978.

Abstract: Understanding the importance of circumcision in the religious history of Western Civilization provides an insight into why the surgical procedure remains so prevalent today. Circumcision appears as a motif in the religious literature of Western civilization throughout the ages. The history of the Jewish faith can be traced through the Old Testament by using the motif of circumcision. Some off th important theological problems experienced in the early Christian church derived from the practice of circumcision, and the motif can be traced in the New Testament as well, especially in the writings of Paul.

This article was republished in a book printed by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologyists:

Pitkin, Roy, and Rinehat, Rebecca, editors, The Best of After Office Hours, "The Historic Significance of Circumcision", Stephen J. Waszak, M.D., pages 71-76, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2003

Title: A Rare Obstetric contraindication to the use of vaginal prostaglandins for fetal demise


Publication: Journal of Reproductive Medicine 22(4):204-206, April, 1979.

Abstract: A rare obstetric containdication to the use of vaginal prostaglandins for fetal demise is presented as a case report. After two failed pitocin inductions for a third-trimester fetal demise, a patient was referred to the University of Washington for definitive management. She was delivered of an advanced intraligamentous pregnancy at laparotomy. Preoperative diagnosis of intraligamentous pregnancy is rare. When the cervix is found in the extremem anterior postition high in the vagina behind the symphysis and the fetal head is below it, the diagnosis of extrauterine pregnancy should be considered.

Title: Anencephaly and twins: prenatal ultrasound and estriol.


Publication: Journal of Reproductive Medicine 22(5):264-6, May, 1979.

A rare case of anencephalic twin pregnancy diagnosed prenatally with ultrasonography is reported. It is the only case found in the literature in which maternal 24-hour urinary estriol is documented in an anencephalic twin pregnancy. Ultrasound diagnosis and obstetric problems associated with such cases are discussed.


Title: Many Neurologic Handicaps Prevented by Increase in C-Sections

Publication: Ob Gyn News, Vol. 14, No. 24, December 15, 1979.

International Medical News Service article reporting on the scientific paper I gave at the District VIII meeting of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology on the management of breech presentation. My thesis has now been universally accepted by the profession although at the time of the presentation the thesis was highly controversial. I brought data to bear on the issue.


Title: A Hospital Review of Advanced Gynecologic Endoscopic Procedures


Publication: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 170(6):1645-1640, June, 1994.

Review of the findings of a Gynecologic Endoscopic Review Committee at a large, private hospital, Swedish Hospital Medical Center, in Seattle, of a 15 month period from January 1992 to March 1993. Fourty two surgeons performed 227 endoscopic procedures on 218 patients, 100 hysteroscopically and 127 laparoscopically. Significant complication rates were associated with the transhysteroscopic operative procedures and with many of the translaparoscopic procedures, including oophorectomy, ovarian cystectomy, myomectomy, pelviscopic lysis of adhesions, and laparascopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy.


Title: Personal Computers for Colon and Rectal Surgeons:
Professional Communication and Practice Enhancement

Publication: Perspectives in Colonc and Rectal Surgery: QMP Clinical Series 6(1):95-102, 1993. Quality Medical Publishing, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri. 

Review of current personal computer software, hardware and online resources for Colon and Rectal Surgeons and physicians interested in using personal computers to enhance their medical practices and improve their quality of care.


Title: Serving Patients Proves A Perfect Match

Publication: Locum Life Magazine, pages 6-7, September, 2008 - www.locumlife.c

Human interest article written for a professional locum tenens periodical by Amy Sutton, a freelance writer based in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, about my experience as a locum tenens physician working in varied environments.


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