White Water: The loudest "moan" in swimming today comes from the coach who must contend with Age Group parents. Every Age Group instructor knows the difficulty posed by the over-anxious father (i.e. mother) who tries to second-guess his program for Johnny's or Mary's benefit. This uninformed parent is bound and determined to make a champion out of his child in short order time. He doesn't like to see his off- spring taking lumps in meets or workouts; he wants to see him swim his best event; he wants to see him brought to a peak immediately; he wants to believe his boy or girl is the best at his current age...and forgets the future. I call this person the "apparent parent;" he is always there between the coach and the child, trying to channel the coach's program through his own judgment. His counterpart, the "transparent parent," is a noble breed indeed; between coach and swimmer, he does not interfere with the training of his child, either supplementing or limiting it as he sees fit. These are the two distinct types: the Age Group "Apparent" and the Age Group "Transparent." As I said in my last editorial, a good swimming group is one that is staffed with "capital letters." This type of individual is necessary to the all-around well-being of swimming, its organization and its maintenance. Without him there is no organization. His job holds only the reward of helping others and the gratification he may get from this. But what compounds the shortcomings of his capacity is that he must also be a "transparent parent." The capital letter of swimming is invariably this type of individual. He knows that coaching is a singular function.

The Bridge: Hauck's corner. Patton ABC's new president, Mr. Norman Boyd, is a veteran swimming addict. His career with me started in the winter of 1956 at Nolan Recreation. At that time he brought me his two boys, Carl, age 9, and Ron, age 13. By 1959, when I was transferred to St. Clair Recreation, Carl held most of the State 9-10 records and was already eating his way into the 11-13 records, while Ron was battling it out with Ken Weibeck in his division. In 1960 he followed me to Patton where we founded the Patton Aquatic Boosters Club. Mr. Boyd has made at least 50 road trips with me into Ohio, about 30 into Indiana, 10 or more in Canada, and one to the Military Academy at West Point. He has been to 4 National Men's Championships, 2 indoor and 2 outdoor, plus 2 National Men's Water Polo Championships. His love of swimming is boundless, his energy, endless. He has supported all levels of aquatics, both male and female, local and national. He has an acute knowledge of a coach's problems and is always willing to lend a helping hand without interfering in the coaching program. Mr. Boyd is a good friend; he will make a good president. Let us get behind him and support the Patton program so that we can continue to be the class leader in the swimming field.


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