"The Patton Chronicle"
Vol. I: No. 6
Editor: Tom Sullivan (a non-smoker with lung cancer)
Breakers ..................................................................................................pot luck
Spray............................................................................................................. "
The Bridge (Hauck's words to die by)........................................................... "
Flotsam & Jetsam........................................................................................ "
Waves................................................................... ....................................... "
Breakers: from the diary of Seaweed Sully (in the style of Mark Twain).
I had only been a member of the Patton team about three weeks when they threw this party. It was a gay affair, as Christmas celebrations should be, attended by kids from six to sixty. There were these two rooms: the kitchen, where they held the ABC meetings, and something across the hall called "the game-room." The latter was that all right. Before the night passed I saw all kinds of games going on in there. One of them was called "the twist," and the object seemed to be to move in the opposite direction of your opponent without hitting him while this music was playing so loud that you couldn't hear anyone warning you to watch out. It was in the middle of this game that the gramo-phone broke, and presently Captain Hauck came up to fix it. He was doing the twist, too, for he weaved all over the room on his way to the gramo-phone. He said he was coming from another party where all the guests were staggering and weaving, though they had no music. He fixed the gramo-phone fine, and for the next half hour we listened to 45 R.P.M. records played at approximately 53 R.P.M.s. You never saw such a lively party. I allowed that things would never slow down, what with the hot dogs and cool cats, and the mistletoe that seemed to be popping out from every niche and crevice in the ceiling--a bloomin' affair if I ever saw one. Along about ten I notices the lights growing dimmer. I reckoned it to be my imagination, but then it was discovered that somebody named "Romeo" Saldana was unscrewing the light bulbs one by one. He was duly rewarded. There were several other teams there. Among them was one called Fitzgerald and another named NorthWest Aquatic Club. A group of girls from Patton suddenly entered the room and asked them to go in the kitchen. When everyone had gathered round the girls, they began to pass out gifts. The first one went to that other Sully. It was a cigar box with