Scott Johnson
Oxford, Michigan
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V1N3P2, V1N9P2,
My Life After Patton:
I started high school when I left Patton. Howard Scarborough was the coach.
Got out of organized swimming in high school and got away from the sport.
I had a lot of fun through the 70s and met my wife at Eastern U. We got
married in '77 and she still puts up with me today. (she's a saint).
In 1981 our daughter Lindsay was born. She's a great kid and is on the
swim team at Michigan. Her best event is the mile and she took 6th in the
Big 10s last year. I've been in real estate since 1992 with Century 21
in Rochester and am in the top 2% in sales in the Great Lakes Region. Both
my wife and I play golf and we like to boat. All in all, not a real exotic
life, but I have everything a man could ask for.
Some Things I Remember:
My first experience with Patton was at nine years old when my mom took
Janie and me to Brennan at a ridiculous time in the morning. We were there
for Janie but I'll never forget Harry looking at me and saying, "Do you
want to swim too?" Well, being young and dumb, I said yes. All Harry said
was, "Ok then get in and swim a mile." Yikes. Little did I know how
that day would affect my life. Every morning a Brennan, going to the Daly
burger place then to Carol's to swim in her pool, and then back to practice.
What were we thinking? This is your brain on chlorine...get the picture.
I remember how cold we were and stealing Harry's coffee and pouring it
on our feet, and how we would climb into the sinks in the locker room because
the water was warm. And I will never forget the hole in the locker
room that let the boys see into the girl's locker room. (sorry guys, I
had to tell). And the hearts games under the bleachers at the meets. I
remember opening the door at Patton in the winter and jumping in the snow.
I could go on forever. Damn, it was great!
There is no doubt that Harry worked our tails off. We learned that something
worth having was worth working for. We learned how to win and loose like
champions. A lesson that I use to this day. As my daughter progressed in
her swimming career I would impart some of my lessons to her. I would tell
her all about Harry the Hawk when she would complain about a tough workout.
(Ha...Harry would eat today's kids for lunch.) Lindsay hit a plateau at
age 17 and almost quit. I told her that we all have been there and Harry
told us to get through it. It took her a full year of frustration before
she got to the other side, maybe it was her own determination. But I think
it was me yelling, "Do it for Harry," from the stands. She hated that.
Today my family walks with the Lord and I and grateful that I had these
life experiences to share.
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