John Westcott
John died in a motorcycle accident in Virginia while he was in the
navy. He was probably 19 or 20 years old at the time. John was elected
captain of the boy's team and I think that says a lot about how we all
felt about him. If you have any remembrances of John that you would like
linked to his name, please send them.
Forever Young: John Westcott
graduation photo c.1962
Look Out Harry, It's "The Hand!":
(John Westcott, Jay Osrowske, Dennis Manrique, Harry Hauck) c.1962
Beehive Hairdos Popular With Martian
Team: (1st row: Unknown, Lori Davis, Bobby Allred, Harry Hauck
Jr., Diane Allred, Barbara Foster, Johnny Allred, Gary Davis, Unknown;
2nd row: Ed Picard, Mark Manrique, John Savinsky, Doug Webster, Carl Boyd,
Rick Skarbo; 3rd row: Dennis Manrique, Lee Davis, Joan Makkonen, Mary Louise
Abbey, Lynn Makkonen, Leslie Taliaferro, Vivian Carozzo, Linda Foster,
Unknown, John Stewart; 4th row: Ron Boyd, Pete Adams, Harry Hauck, John
Westcott, John Powser, Jim McNairy) c.1961
Looks Like Patton Won Again!:
(Mark Manrique, Doug Webster, Dennis Manrique, John Westcott, Harry Hauck,
Stan Johnson, John Stewart, Ron Boyd, John Savinsky) c.1962
Proud Pop: (Jay Osrowske, George
Saldana, Rick Skarbo, Pete Adams, John Westcott, John Savinsky, Harry Hauck)
Ricky Trys New Method For Attracting
Girls: (Not in any particular order: John Hollinger, Frank Toomey,
David Sahagian, Bobby Allred, Lori Davis, Gary Davis, John Savinsky, Mark
Manrique, Don Cox, Ed Picard, George Saldana, Rick Skarbo, Mrs. Manrique,
Caroll Hauck, Tim Hauck, Ed Snelzer, Brother, Francis, Mr. Adams, Mrs.
Sahagian, Lori Davis, Gary Davis, John Westcott, Ron Enck, Sue Spilski,
Pete Adams, Janice Enck, Ray Ferguson, Tom Sullivan, Randy Penn, Greg Penn)
Last Dance: (Carl Boyd, Ron
Boyd, Linda Foster, Mark Manrique, John Westcott, Ed Picard, Richard Szuba,
Jay Osrowske, Joan Makkonen, Stan Johnson, Sue Spilski) c.1962
Fabulous Freestylers: (George
Saldana, Pete Adams, John Westcott, Harry Hauck) c.1962
Musical Chairs: (Richard Szuba,
Dennis Manrique, Marion Abbott, Ron Boyd, Joan Makkonen, Mary Jo Szuba,
John Hollinger, Mrs. Allred, Mr. Allred, Mrs. Szuba, Harry Hauck, Ed Picard,
John Savinsky, George Saldana, Mark Manrique, Fred Savinsky, Sue Spilski,
Lynn Makkonen, Bobby Allred, Diane Allred, Barbara Foster, Lee Davis, Jeanie
Sherk, Mary Lou Shefsky, Tommy Koch, John Westcott) c.1962
Wanna Dance?: (Fred Savinsky,
David Sahagian, Joan Makkonen, Ron Boyd, Dennis Manrique, Stan Johnson,
John Hollinger, Richard Szuba, Sue Spilski, Harry Hauck, Frank Toomey,
Vivian Carozzo, Tom Sullivan, John Westcott, Lynn Makkonen, Mark Manrique,
Tom Szuba, Tom Koch, Fred Johnson) c.1962
Foam-Fare Reference:
News Clips:
007, 023,
A memory by Don Cox:
When I saw the web page on John, tears came to my eyes. I think John
passed away on April 18, 1965, just a month or so after his 21st birthday.
He had just signed up for another tour in the Navy and used his bonus money
to buy a motorcycle. I remember seeing Lynn Makkonnen and Jim McNairy at
the funeral. Jim was in his Navy uniform. Chuck Oesterling
and I were pall bearers, and I think two of the others were Lenny Fields,
who was captain of our swim team at Cody, and one of the younger Szuba
boys. I can't recall who the other two were. Everyone was devastated.
At the burial, I remember the playing of taps, the handing over of the
American flag to his mother, and people having to help his mother away
from the grave after it was all over. Forever Young is a fitting tribute.
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